Monday, March 15, 2010

Spring is in the air...and a short rant about DST!!

Oh my.  Went to our local TSC last week - Guess what they have?  That's right!!  Peeping peepers!!  TONS of 'em!  I came home with 9 the 1st visit, 7 more the 2nd visit = 16 new li'l peeps!  They are Buff Orpington, Rhode Island Red and Ameraucana.   All pullets.  All darling!  Although I do believe the Ameraucana's are actually Easter Eggers.  LOL!
The EE's are really easy to tell apart from the others.  However, I am not very adept at knowing the Buff Orp's from the RIR's.  I know I have 5 EE's and at least half of the rest are definitely RIR's.  Good thing I have people 'waiting' for eggs!! LOL!  I think I may have a couple Orp's.  Here's a couple pic's I took this morning...

You can really see my freckle-faced EE in this shot. She's a cutie!!

Anyone have idea's on how to tell the RIR's from the Buff Orp's?  It's very possible I have the 5 EE's and the other 11 are all Rhode Island Red's!  LOL!  I'm fine with that...although I will be placing a chick order from later this spring and I will order Buff Orp pullets, as well as Blue-Laced and Columbian Wyandotte's, a couple of Black Jersey Giant's and some chicks for my Cochin coop, Polish coop and Silkie coop.  What can I say?  I'm a chicken addict!!  LOL!  I did have a friend let me know that TSC's chicks aren't always a perfect example of a particular breed.  Which makes sense...and I'm not worried about it as I'm using them for eggs only.  If any of them breed with Jake, my Buff Orp roo, great!  It'll just mean I won't have to buy more chicks in a couple years to replenish my eggs.

OK.  D.S.T.  Daylight Savings Time.  Seriously?  It's one of the most ridiculous things I've ever had to deal with.  We never had it when I was growing up and now we do.  Blech.  Surely it's a complete waste of time!  Now, instead of having some daylight when I get out of bed at 6:30am, I have complete darkness.  But, at 8:00pm when I would like to be closing up the chicks & heading to bed at 9:00pm - oh no because I have daylight.  What in the hell was wrong with leaving our clocks alone?!  In the fall, I gain an hour.  In the spring, I lose an hour.  Wouldn't it be exactly the same if we just left it alone?  Why gain an hour and then lose one?  Why not just continue to cruise through life as we here in this part of Indiana have always known it?  At least before all this Daylight Savings crap, we had sun in the AM and the PM.  Is it obvious I'm thoroughly unimpressed with DST?  LOL!

That's all I have for today.  Hope everyone has a fantastic week!!

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