Sunday, July 26, 2009

Most of a nighter...

Cole & cute! He was a little concerned about being poo'd on, but it was definitely a Kodak moment!! LOL!

I'm being tested, tested, tested lately. I'm sincerely trying to be tolerant & patient...but there are times I can honestly say I truly understand why some animals in the wild eat their own kind. :)
The chicks are growing up so fast!! Here are a few more pictures...

Baloo at 33 days old. Isn't she adorable??

The sandbox hubby & I made for the chicks...they LOVE it!

Ginger - 33 days old. She's my 'baby'. LOL!

One of the Buff Silkie' name yet. But, she's happy anyway. LOL!

Ginger going night-night for the night. Such a cute little chicky butt! ;o)

Angel - 33 days old. Her name is Angel because of her gorgeous silver-laced feathers - which will become more & more beautiful as she grows.

My baby & one of our Golden Laced Wyandotte's (33 days old).

The Crib with my $6 "The Hen House" outdoor thermometer & cute little stars. Awww!

Kita, our pretty little Mini Rex bunny...I call her Puppy. =)

Last, but definitely baby... He's SO gorgeous!!

Tomorrow I have bunches to do! Chicks & "Puppy" to care for 1st thing in the A.M. Then I have some more painting to do - mostly in Cole's bedroom, but I also want to start taping off & possibly even painting, at least the trim, the laundry room...especially since the hardwood isn't down yet - it's still the laminate. I'm hoping to have the paneling up in the computer room by the end of the week. Wish me luck! LOL!

I'm also getting ready to start doing some of my freehand 'stenciling' on the walls. Jacki's gonna have to help me with quite a bit of it (cuz I am by no means an artist, but I think I can handle some of it on my own. :o)

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