Friday, August 14, 2009

New babies have arrived!

Marley, my little Polish roo. Yes, he's under our dining room table. LOL! He's such a sweetie...a little quirky, but sweet as all get out!

These are my newest babies. 1 Golden Polish Hen, 1 White Silkie Bantam Hen, 1 Black Sumatra Hen, 2 Silver Bantam Cochin's & 1 Black Bantam Cochin's - I don't know whether the Cochin's are hens or roo's yet. Hoping for hens, though! LOL!

This is one my new babies, a Silver Bantam Cochin. Hoping it's a hen!! LOL!

My Black Bantam Cochin. Such a doll baby. Again, hoping it's a hen!! LOL!

Elvis, my Golden Polish Hen. I'm already head-over-heels in love with her!! My baby sister named her...I have to admit, she does look a little Elvisy flashy. LOL!

Sammy, our Black Sumatra Hen. She's a real sweetie!!

My beautiful white Silkie Bantam Hen. She's another one that has already stole my heart! I can't wait until she gets all white & fluffy! LOL!

Well, once again I am going to try to quit smoking. Tomorrow. Yuk. I know I really need to quit - when I wake up in the morning's, I can literally feel how tight my chest is. Screw that! Plus, $100/week for what?? Geesh. Enough is enough already!!
Anyhoo, I'm hoping to be able to put the new chickies in with the elders (who are only 6 weeks) in a month. Hopefully everything goes well. Fingers crossed!